Generalization of High Speed Process in Complex Discrete Wavelet Transform by Lifting Scheme

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  • リフティングスキームによる複素数離散ウェーブレット変換 高速化手法の一般化


<p>In this research, we study about the method of speeding up the calculation for Complex Discrete Wavelet Transform (CDWT). CDWT is a kind of wavelet transform that was proposed by this laboratory, and it can solve the lack of translation invariance of the conventional wavelet transforms. However, the calculation amount is increased to approximately 2 times compare to the conventional method because the calculation is done in complex number. We have focused on lifting scheme as a method to reduce the amount of calculation. Lifting scheme is only defined to correspond to wavelets with compact support. However, in this study we design the filter of lifting-scheme for the wavelets that do not have a compact support, such as Meyer wavelet and the imaginary part of complex wavelet. Then, we check the validity of the filter configuration and make sure the shift invariance is maintained. Furthermore, the reduction of calculation amount by lifting-scheme can increase the calculation speed for CDWT. </p>


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    • CiNii Articles
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