GIS Mapping Analysis of Damages and Countermeasures Against the Nankai Trough Earthquake among Primary Care Facilities in Miyazaki

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  • 南海トラフ地震による宮崎県のプライマリ・ケア提供施設の被害想定と被害緩和対策:GISを用いた分析

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<p>Introduction: To visualize the damage to primary care facilities in Miyazaki prefecture caused by the Nankai Trough earthquake by collating GIS data and to propose feasible countermeasures based on the estimated damage.</p><p>Methods: The merged data of the estimated tsunami damage downloaded from the service for numerical information on national land use created by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism were combined with the data of medical institutions collected from the regional medical information system of the Japan Medical Association.</p><p>Results: Of the 721 clinics and 140 hospitals, 139 clinics and 31 hospitals were affected, with 521 and 4,713 beds, respectively. By medical area, regions in which more than 50% of the clinics and hospitals were affected included the northern region of Nobeoka Nishi-usuki (clinics, 58.7%; hospitals, 60.0%) and Hyuga Irigo (clinics, 84.2%; hospitals, 61.5%), revealing a disproportionate estimate of damage.</p><p>Conclusion: To deal with long-term damage, joint operation among regional facilities in neighboring prefectures is essential for a community continuity plan. Care facilities can take initiatives for cooperative disaster risk reduction planning with residents.</p>



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