多素子超伝導転移端センサー型マイクロカロリメータが拓く 量子ビームを用いた物理学実験

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  • Physics Experiments using Quantum Beams Pioneered by a Superconducting Transition-Edge Sensor Microcalorimeter Array
  • タソシ チョウデンドウ テンイ タン センサーカタ マイクロカロリメータ ガ ヒラク リョウシ ビーム オ モチイタ ブツリガク ジッケン



<p>An array of superconducting transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeters is an attractive detector in research fields where high precision measurements are required. This paper introduces two examples of applying a 240-pixel TES microcalorimeter array (TES detector) to physics experiments using quantum beams. The first application is a series of experiments involving the precise X-ray spectroscopy of exotic atoms using three types of charged-particle beams (i.e., pion, kaon, and muon) at large-scale proton accelerator facilities: Paul Scherrer Institute and J-PARC. The improvement in measurement accuracy by an order of magnitude has brought about great progress in research on exotic atoms. The second application is an atomic-molecule collision experiment using atomic or molecular beams with a cryogenic electrostatic ion storage ring at RIKEN. This is the world's first attempt to apply a TES detector to the detection of "neutral low-energy atoms and molecules" instead of "photons", aiming to use it as a new high-resolution mass spectrometer. </p>


  • 低温工学

    低温工学 56 (2), 65-72, 2021-03-20

    公益社団法人 低温工学・超電導学会 (旧 社団法人 低温工学協会)

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