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  • Oka Kenta
    Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University
  • Fukumori Ryota
    Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University
  • Tsushida Masayuki
    Technical Division, Kumamoto University
  • Kitahara Hiromoto
    Institute of Industrial Nanomaterials, Kumamoto University Magnesium Research Center, Kumamoto University
  • Ando Shinji
    Magnesium Research Center, Kumamoto University


  • Effects of Yttrium Addition on Bending Deformation Behavior of Magnesium Single Crystals
  • マグネシウムタンケッショウ ノ マゲ ヘンケイ キョドウ ニ タイスル イットリウム テンカ ノ エイキョウ



<p>Pure magnesium and Mg–Y alloy single crystals were subjected to three-point bending tests to investigate the effect of crystal orientation and yttrium on bending deformation behavior. Specimens whose neutral planes are parallel to (0001) and neutral axes are [1120] deformed due to basal slips, displaying a gull-shape. Their bending yield stresses increased by addition of yttrium and were controlled by the shear stress on the basal plane. Conversely, neutral planes parallel to (1100) and neutral axes are [1120] resulting in specimens deformed due to {1012} twins occurred at the compression side, basal slips within the twins and finally showed a V-shape. In Mg–Y alloys, first order pyramidal ⟨c + a⟩ slips (FPCS) and {1011}-{1012} double twins were also activated in the tension area. Their bending yield stresses and bending ductility increased by yttrium addition. Strain induced by {1011}-{1012} double twins at the tension side was very low. FPCS was found to be activated by addition of yttrium and to increase bending ductility.</p> <p> </p> <p>This Paper was Originally Published in Japanese in J. Japan Inst. Met. Mater. 84 (2020) 344–351.</p>



    MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 62 (4), 484-491, 2021-04-01

    公益社団法人 日本金属学会

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