Active strategies to introduce HACCP to businesses that include small and medium-size enterprises by local governments

  • SUZUKI Akihiko
    Food Safety & Environmental Hygiene Division, Social Health & Welfare Department, Fukushima Prefectural Government

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  • Support to introduce “Fukushima HACCP” in Fukushima Prefecture
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<p>For the purpose of controlling radioactive substances produced by the nuclear disaster in processed foods, we at Fukushima Prefecture established a unique model, the Fukushima Food Hygiene Management Model (Fukushima HACCP), which positioned radioactive materials as a chemical hazard and incorporated the method to control radioactive substances. In order to support the introduction of Fukushima HACCP for small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) in the food business, which have a comparatively low rate of introducing HACCP, we set up a working group comprising food sanitation inspectors from the prefectural office and all health centers in Fukushima Prefecture, including core cities, and examined the support projects. As a result, we created and distributed introductory guidebooks on selected local products of Fukushima Prefecture, developed and released the Fukushima HACCP app, and held introductory support workshops using this application. We selected about 7,000 food-related facilities in Fukushima Prefecture that are strongly related to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics and held 119 workshops in various parts of Fukushima Prefecture, with a total of 1,661 people attending. It is considered that SMEs could formulate a food hygiene plan that suits SME's facilities in a short time by holding workshops in which SMEs freely edit the templates prepared in this application and formulate the plan in line with HACCP, so that the introductory projects greatly contributed to efficient support of introducing HACCP to SMEs.</p>


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