- 中山 利恵
- 京都工芸繊維大学
- タイトル別名
<p>This paper analyzes the depiction of "ARAI" work-related documents from around the Edo period to clarify the objects used for "ARAI," the operators who performed the ARAI, and the respective activities involved in ARAI jobs. </p><p>In this paper, in addition to the three historical documents described in the previous paper, 10 new documents relating to ARAI from around the Edo period were discovered. In Chapter 2, the contents of the description of ARAI in these 10 historical documents are exhibited in chronological order. In Chapter 3, based on the results of Chapter 2, the objects applied for ARAI are exhibited. Lye is used as a cleaning solution for the ARAI of wooden surfaces, and "Hot lye" has been used since the early 18th century. Also, "Buckwheat straw," which is more alkaline than rice straw, can be used as raw materials for lye. Further, it turns out that Sasara brush and scourer made of rice straw were used as tools to physically rub wooden surfaces. Similar tools are used in current era traditional ARAI. Chapter 4 described the ARAI operators. Until the mid 17th century, plasterers were performing the ARAI. However, it was revealed that at the end of the 17th century, a specialized craftsman named " Nanto Arai-ya Hachiuemon" existed during the repair of the Horyu-ji Temple. Thereafter, it was exhibited that the ARAI was carried out by professional craftsmen described as "Arai-ya" and "Arai-kata". In Chapter 5, the activity and types of ARAI are described. </p><p>In Chapter 6, the transition of ARAI in around the Edo period is considered. For ARAI during the establishment period from Keicho to the Joo era (early to middle of the 17th century), only the straw, which is the raw material of the lye, and time and labor required for ARAI is depicted., and ARAI was conducted along with wall paintings by the plasterer. </p><p>ARAI during the development period of the Kansei era to the Genroku era (late 17th century to early 18th century) accounted for approximately half of the historical documents at six items (five items in the Genroku era and four items from the Horyu-ji Temple document). The most specific descriptions of raw materials, chemicals, tools, and activities were written on the front gate of Horyu-ji Temple Oyuya in 1696. Also, "Arai-ya" and "Arai-kata," who are specialists in ARAI, first appeared in the recorded documents. During the maturity period from the Tenmei to the Tenpo eras (late 18th century to early 19th century), scaffoldings dedicated to ARAI were built. In addition, at Chion-in Temple in 1836, three types of specifications, "Arai with hot lye," "Arai by wiping," and "Wiping," were used according to the operating site, and a four-step operating unit price was specified. In the maturity period, it is considered that ARAI became generalized as an independent occupation, its specifications were established, and different ARAI types were explicitly displayed along with the unit price per lot for repair work of specific sizes. </p>
- 日本建築学会計画系論文集
日本建築学会計画系論文集 86 (784), 1827-1838, 2021-06-30
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- 1390570010597335680
- 130008059059
- AN10438548
- 18818161
- 13404210
- 本文言語コード
- ja
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