

  • Research on offence top level men’s volleyball
  • バレーボール男子トップレベルの攻撃に関する研究 : ショート平行の有効性に着目して
  • バレーボール ダンシ トップレベル ノ コウゲキ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : ショート ヘイコウ ノ ユウコウセイ ニ チャクモク シテ
  • Focusing on side short second tempo attacks
  • ショート平行の有効性に着目して



This study investigated the usage and effectiveness of “side short second tempo attacks” in top-level male volleyball players. The data were analyzed to clarify the “kill attack ratio”, “attack efficiency”, “short second tempo attacks per set” and “side blocker reverse motion ratio”. The number of left short second tempo attacks per set in World cup(WC) was 0.02 and the number of right short second tempo attacks per set was 0.04. The number of left short second tempo attacks per set in V premier league (VP) was 0.22 and the number of right short second tempo attacks was 0.09. The kill attack ratio of left short second tempo attacks in WC was 75.00% and the attack efficiency was 75.00%. The kill attack ratio and attack efficiency of right short second tempo attacks in WC was 82.14% and 69.05%, respectively. The kill attack ratio of left short second tempo attacks in VP was 64.67% and the attack efficiency was 57.39%. The kill attack ratio and attack efficiency of right short second tempo attacks in VP was 40.13% and 29.28%, respectively. The kill attack ratio and attack efficiency of left short second tempo attacks in VP were significantly higher than those of left second tempo attacks. The kill attack ratio of right short second tempo attacks in WC was significantly higher than that of left second tempo attacks. In addition, the effect size showed a high value in short second tempo attacks in WC and left short second tempo attacks in VP.


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