Foreign language education policies in Japanese prefectures and ordinance-designated cities
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- Other Title
- 都道府県および政令指定都市における外国語教育政策
- 都道府県および政令指定都市における外国語教育政策 : アクター・独自施策・効果性に着目して
- トドウフケン オヨビ セイレイ シテイ トシ ニ オケル ガイコクゴ キョウイク セイサク : アクター ・ ドクジ シサク ・ コウカセイ ニ チャクモク シテ
- Actors, voluntary measures, and effectiveness
- アクター・独自施策・効果性に着目して
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This study aimed to clarify foreign language education policies in Japanese prefectures and ordinance-designated cities through a questionnaire survey, focusing on the actors, voluntary measures, and the effectiveness of policies. The main results of this research are as follows: (1) although the central government’s influence is significant, that of the actors in local governments is recognized to be equally significant, which suggests a pluralistic structure in the local governments; (2) differences in emphasis between local governments were observed in the voluntary measures; and (3) recognized effectiveness was higher in the ordinance-designated cities than in the prefectures.
- Journal of Japan Society of Directories
Journal of Japan Society of Directories 19 (1), 26-35, 2021
Japan Society of Directories