東京都の島しょ医療─意外と知られていない現在,過去そして未来─ Ⅲ 島しょ地域医療構想調整会議からみた現状と展望


  • Medical Care in Tokyo Remote Islands: Elucidating Its Past, Present, and Future III Current Status and Prospects from the Perspective of the Islands Community Healthcare Concept Coordination Meeting
  • 東京都の島しょ医療 : 意外と知られていない現在,過去そして未来(3)島しょ地域医療構想調整会議からみた現状と展望
  • トウキョウト ノ トウショ イリョウ : イガイ ト シラレテ イナイ ゲンザイ,カコ ソシテ ミライ(3)トウショ チイキ イリョウ コウソウ チョウセイ カイギ カラ ミタ ゲンジョウ ト テンボウ



The Tokyo Metropolitan Community Medical Plan was formulated to contribute toward the construction of a medical care provision system based on 2025 objectives. The Islands Community Healthcare Concept Coordination Meeting was established in 2017 as a conference for the islands’ communities, which are collectively grouped as one of Tokyo’s secondary medical areas. I evaluated the prospects of medical care for Tokyo’s island communities based on the published minutes of the meeting from the beginning to the 7th. A wide range of issues was discussed, from emergency systems to temporary staffing, but the central issue was related to medical cooperation. In particular, various opinions related to discharge support, information sharing, and home-transfer support were voiced. To enhance information sharing, opinions were exchanged on a range of measures, from the utilization of the web conferencing system introduced in 2010 to the construction of network systems. The geographical characteristics of each island and problems in their individual communities were also introduced and discussed, especially those related to home-based medical support. In addition, residents’ other medical issues, such as those related to cancer treatment, were also discussed. Interactive and lively discussions are required to continue evaluating the delivery of medical services, and meetings serve as a platform to exchange opinions for a better future for the medical care of those living on the islands. In order to fully meet the future role of our hospital as a core hospital for the islands, I would like to provide effective feedback to the hospital and strive to improve the system.


  • 島嶼研究

    島嶼研究 22 (2), 121-137, 2021-08-31


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