Characteristics of pachinko/pachislot players with a high participation level but presumed not to have a disorder:Their demographics and playing style

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  • パチンコ・パチスロの“参加量が多い非障害疑い”プレイヤーの実態―デモグラフィック特性・プレイスタイル―


<p>The increase of gambling opportunities in Japan has led to an urgent need to “realize a healthy lifestyle while gambling.” Data on regular pachinko/pachislot players with scores below the cutoff value for a disorder in the Pachinko/Pachislot Playing Disorder Scale, who are assumed to have no disorder, are crucial for archiving this goal. This study’s objective was to clarify these players’ characteristics. We conducted a National Survey using the Pachinko/Pachislot Playing Disorder Scale and divided the respondents (N=582) who had played pachinko/pachislot in the last 12 months into four groups based on their scale score and participation level. Then, we examined each group’s demographics and characteristics of play. Chi-square tests indicated that the groups differed in age and the preference for high- and low-stake machines. Residual analysis indicated that the frequent player with no disorder group consisted of many participants in their 60s and a few in their 20s; who also tended to use low-stake machines. Health management for a lifestyle with gambling is discussed based on these findings.</p>



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