Experience of Diabetes Perceived through Daily Living That Was Totally Changed by An Unexpected Disaster—From The Narrative of A Person Who Did Not Record The Indexes
- Hosno Tomoko
- Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing
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- 想定外の大惨事で一変した暮らしから捉える糖尿病の経験
- 想定外の大惨事で一変した暮らしから捉える糖尿病の経験 : 指標を記録しなかったある1名の語りから
- ソウテイ ガイ ノ ダイ サンジ デ イッペン シタ クラシ カラ トラエル トウニョウビョウ ノ ケイケン : シヒョウ オ キロク シナカッタ アル 1メイ ノ カタリ カラ
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<p>Purpose: To phenomenologically describe the experience of living with diabetes based on the narrative of a person who did not record diabetic indexes.</p><p>Methods: A phenomenological approach was employed, which describes the world as it appeared to the person. This article is based on the narrative obtained from an unstructured interview of a participant the author met during a diabetic logbook development project and found that she was not keeping a record of her diabetic indexes.</p><p>Results: After experiencing a huge earthquake Ms A, due to her various concerns for her loved ones and business, spent more time worrying about them without really paying attention to her own illness of diabetes. As her condition worsened, she was required to get a regular injection which she decided not to do herself but to get from a doctor. This made her become kinder to herself. This change of attitude was derived from the way she perceived her time and the way she cared for herself.</p><p>Conclusion: The experience of the rejuvenating time generated from the rhythm of caring for herself by regularly seeing the doctor was also representative of her recovery from the disaster. Ms. A, who chose to care for herself by relying on the doctor and valuing the conversations with him, may not have needed to self-monitor the indexes. Her case suggests a new way of self-caring that does not necessarily require self-monitoring.</p>
- Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science
Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science 41 (0), 305-312, 2021
Japan Academy of Nursing Science
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390571240018064128
- NII Article ID
- 130008105732
- NII Book ID
- AN00010260
- 21858888
- 02875330
- 032134998
- Text Lang
- ja
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