

  • Rehabilitation of hemiplegic patients through meal preparation
  • 第62回大会主題講演 食事作りを介した片麻痺の方々へのリハビリテーション : リハビリテーションの現場から一実践の報告
  • ダイ62カイ タイカイ シュダイ コウエン ショクジ ズクリ オ カイシタ ヘンマヒ ノ ホウボウ エ ノ リハビリテーション : リハビリテーション ノ ゲンバ カラ イチ ジッセン ノ ホウコク
  • ―A report of one practice from the field of rehabilitation―
  • ~リハビリテーションの現場から一実践の報告~



<p> Yokohama Rehabilitation Center has been holding a cooking class for hemiplegics since 2010. More than 50 cooking classes have been held so far, and more than 100 hemiplegics have participated in them. The recurrence rate of stroke is high, and the complication rate is also high. "Having an interest in food” is directly related to preventing recurrence. In the cooking class, we try to give them a sense of accomplishment and success. The menu is simple and can be reproduced at home, and cooking utensils that are easy to handle with one hand and easy to purchase are introduced. The recipes use many pictures and few explanations. The work environment should be adjusted with consideration for standing balance, mobility, and reach. We try to reflect afterwards on whether there are any differences between the experience in the cooking class and the implementation at home, and whether the content is appropriate to the participants’ expectations. The important thing is to observe each individual carefully and provide them with tasks that are appropriate for them. I hope that there will be more opportunities for people with disabilities, including hemiplegics, to try their hand at cooking.</p>


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