Tono Shujirou and his “Gakkou oyobi kyoushi to toshokan”

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  • 戸野周二郎著『学校及教師と図書館』の意義
  • 戸野周二郎著「学校及教師と図書館」の意義--児童青少年図書館の視点から
  • トノ シュウジロウ チョ ガッコウ オヨビ キョウシ ト トショカン ノ イギ
  • 一a Pioneer of the Youth Library Service in the Meiji Era.一
  • 児童青少年図書館の視点から

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“Gakkou oyobi kyoushi to toshokan” (Schools, teachers and libraries) by Tono Shujirou (1866-1955), published in 1909, is the second earliest book on modern librarianship in Japan. His career started in the field of teacher training at normal schools. In 1905, he was given the responsibility for founding a new Tokyo metropolitan library.<br> The purpose of this paper is to study Tono's thoughts on the public libraries stressing children and youth services through an examination of his text. The major part of the book consisted of the research on the concept of planning of the new library.<br> Referring to A Library primer, by J. C. Dana or the NEA proceedings etc., he introdllced, for the first time in our country, the contemporary American pllblic library ideas, especially their educational functions for young people.<br> His ideas are worth referring to even today for the following reasons; first, he has a basic understanding common to our modern librarianship; second, he pointed out the issues being still in discussion today; third, his thoughts concerning public librarianship influence his successors through the practices of the Tokyo metropolitan library.


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