An Automated Evaluation of Variable Name Using Program Slicing and Doc2Vec

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  • プログラムスライスとDoc2Vecを用いた変数名評価法の提案
  • プログラムスライス ト Doc2Vec オ モチイタ ヘンスウメイ ヒョウカホウ ノ テイアン

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<p>This paper proposes an automated method for evaluating the variable name's properness and discusses its usefulness. The proposed method extracts the context of a variable's usage by the program slicing method and represents it as a feature vector by the Doc2Vec method. The paper examines the proposed method through an evaluation experiment using the variables from six open-source software products written in Java. The experimental results show the proposed method could detect the variables with improper names.</p>


  • Computer Software

    Computer Software 38 (4), 4_9-4_15, 2021-10-22

    Japan Society for Software Science and Technology

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