古代地方都市論 : 多賀城とその周辺


  • Report on Provincial City of Ancient Japan : On the Taga-jō Site and its Surroundings
  • コダイ チホウ トシロン タガジョウ ト ソノ シュウヘン




A symposium on “Ancient Provincial Centers” was held at The National Museum of Japanese History in 1987. In that symposium there was a tendency to deny the so called “establishment of provincial centers” which involved urban functions and the spread of regions. Since then throughout Japan the site of provincial centers have been excavated and investigated, with important results. Among them a noticeable matter is the revelation of the grid divisions which were the basis of the urban planning of the Taga-jō 多賀城 site which was the location of the Mutsu 陸奥 Provincial Center and which was subjected to a lange scale investigation. Furthermore, through that excavation many discoveries were made concerning the local structure of the grid divisions which were the city, the planned distribution of buildings in local areas, the various links of the transportation system, the ritual space of the city, and the concentration of production. However while considering the symposium INOUE, Mitsuo has indicated the following problem. In order to establish the provincial center as a city, it is necessary to confirm boundaries and various urban regulations. However there were no geographic divisions separate from the administrative divisions called “Gun” 郡, so there would be no way for urban regulations to exist in reference to the provincial center. An outline of the results of an examination of the conditions for urban regulation in provincial centers is as follows. Directional regulations extended to the avenues, streets, buildings and drains in the districts in front of Taga-jō. Also to provincial center area, Taga-jō is succeeded to special administrative city.Furthermore unearthed materials with written characters attest to the fact that the Go 郷 in which the provincial office was located differed from other Go. It is also suggested that the Gun in which the provincial center is different from other Gun. Judging from the above, Taga-jō could regarded as ancient provincial city. So far as other regions, much still remains to be done. So it is hard to say conditions of Taga-jō are true of provincial center of other regions. It needs further investigation.



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