On the Emishi Riot in 720 and the Foundation of Taga Fort

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  • 養老四年の蝦夷の反乱と多賀城の創建
  • ヨウロウ 4ネン ノ エゾ ノ ハンラン ト タガジョウ ノ ソウケン

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A monument at the Taga fort shows that the Taga fort was founded in 724. Recent archaeological researches enable to identify the production site of the roof-tiles used for its construction and further reseal that the Taga fort and other five fortified government offices in the area were constructed at the same time. Based on the wooden tablets excavated at the Taga fort, HIRAKAWA proposes that the fort construction began soon after the 720's emishi riot and was completed in 724.The 720's emishi riot might have been the cause for the Taga fort foundation. Although Shoku-Nihongi mentions on this riot only shortly, a close reading of other documents suggests that this riot happened in a unprecedeted scale and had a profound impact on local societies in the Mutsu area. In attempting to suppress the riot, the government ceased taxation, stationed a provisional military, and annexed Iwaki and Iwashiro provinces into the Mutsu. In addition, the government established new counties and sent immigrants in the area under the influence of emishi riot. It was also this time when the government started to build five fortified offices in this area.These movements suggest that the existing anti-emishi policies collapsed by the riot and that the central government attempted to fortify the frontiers against the further influence of emishi. The Taga fort represented the control center of the frontiers with its administrative and military functions.



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