三彩・緑釉陶器の化学分析結果に関する一考察(2. 歴史資料産地決定法への適用 / [三彩・緑釉])


  • A Study of Tricolored Glaze and Green Glaze from a Viewpoint of Scientific Research(2. Applications for Provenance Studies / [Glaze])
  • 三彩・緑釉 三彩・緑釉陶器の化学分析結果に関する一考察
  • サンサイ リョクユウ サンサイ リョクユウトウキ ノ カガク ブンセキ ケッカ ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ



本稿は,日本の三彩・緑釉陶器についての理化学的分析結果を検討し,そこからその歴史的意味を見いだそうとするものである。主な検討結果は,以下の通りである。まず,奈良三彩・平安期緑釉陶器では,いずれも釉薬の鉛同位体比がほぼ集中する値を示し,古代銭貨の多くや古代鉛ガラスとも一致し,山口県の長登周辺産の鉛を用いていたことが明らかとなった。また,釉薬の化学組成には,産地差が存在し,年代に伴って変化していることも指摘できた。さらに,鉛釉(鉛ガラス)の原料調達の変遷については,次のような段階設定を見いだすことができた。 Ⅰ段階(7世紀第3四半期頃の短い期間)海外産鉛原料による国内生産の段階。 Ⅱa段階(7世紀後半~8世紀初め頃)長登鉱山を初めとする国内各所の鉱山から原料供給を受けて,生産地で方鉛鉱を直接粉砕して釉(あるいはガラス)原料にする段階。 Ⅱb段階(8世紀前半~9世紀初め頃)長登鉱山周辺から方鉛鉱あるいは金属鉛の供給を受けて,生産地で鉛丹を製成して釉(あるいはガラス)原料にする段階。 Ⅱc段階(9世紀前半~12世紀前半頃)長登鉱山周辺などから産出された鉛原料をもとに鉛丹あるいは鉛釉フリットなどが製成され,その供給を受けて釉(あるいはガラス)を生産する段階。 Ⅲ段階(12世紀後半頃以降)対馬の対州鉱山などから鉛ガラス原料の供給を受けて生産する段階。

In this paper the results of scientific research on Japanese tricolored glaze and green glaze were summarized and their historical meanings were considered. Lead isotope ratios of tricolored glaze in Nara period and green glaze in Heian period were centered on almost the same point. They were also the same values as most of ancient coins, Kocho-Junisen, and lead glass, so the raw materials were found to be supplied from Naganobori mine and its neighboring, Yamaguchi Pref..The chemical compositions of the glazes were different in each manufacturing area and they varied according to the age.The supply of the raw materials for lead glaze or lead glass was divided into following stages;I. (a short term of the third quarter of 7C.) Glaze was produced with foreign lead.II a. (the latter half of 7C. to the early in 8C.) Lead ores, galena, were supplied form some Japanese mines, e.g. Naganobori, and at the manufacturing sites it was shattered for materials of glaze or glass.II b. (the first half of 8C. to the early in 9C.) Galena or metal lead were supplied from Naganobori mine, and at the manufacturing sites minium was made for materials of glaze or glass.II c. (the first half of 9C. to the first half of 12C.) Minium or lead glaze frit was made with the raw materials collected from Naganobori mine and some other mines, and it was supplied for production of glaze or glass.III. (From the latter half of 12C.) Glaze was produced with lead glass from Taishu mine, Tsushima Island, Nagasaki Pref.



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