

  • ニホンサン ジュモク ネンリン シリョウチュウ ノ タンソ 14 ノウド オ モト ニ シタ コウセイ キョクセン ノ サクセイ




Since radiocarbon age is a hypothetical age based on assumed model, conversion to real age (calendar age) are required for practical dating. Based on the ¹⁴C concentrations in samples dated by other methods, the dataset used for conversion to real age from radiocarbon age has been constructed by international consortium and is called international radiocarbon calibration curve. The latest version of international radiocarbon calibration curve is known as IntCal04. For the last 12,400 years, this radiocarbon calibration curve has been constructed by measuring ¹⁴C concentrations in dendrochronologically dated tree-rings from woods in Europe and North America. In order to investigate regional differences in ¹⁴C concentration from international radiocarbon calibration curve, we have been investigating ¹⁴C concentration of tree-ring samples from Japanese woods. In this paper, we constructed a local calibration curve for Japan based on our recent results on ¹⁴C measurements of two old wood samples from Japan ranging from 820BC to 200BC, which were dendrochronologically dated. Furthermore, calibration were attempted practicaly using the constructed Japanese local calibration curve and the results were compared with results using IntCal04 and INTCAL98. Consequently, it was confirmed that there were no significant differences in calibrated ages among three different calibration curves. In the case of wiggle-matching, however, slight differences in calibration curves possibly cause considerable difference in the calibrated ages.





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