思想を善導する環境設計 : 細野雲外『不滅の墳墓』を読む


  • Environmental Design for Proper Guidance of Thought : Reading Ungai Hosono’s Fumetsu no Funbo
  • シソウ オ ゼンドウ スル カンキョウ セッケイ : サイノウン ガイ 『 フメツ ノ フンボ 』 オ ヨム




Reading Ungai Hosono's Fumetsu no Funbo ( The Tomb of Immortality; 1932) from the perspective of body and character, you realize that despite the book's title, it concerns the bodies and characters of the living rather than the dead. It has been pointed out before that Hosono's peculiar idea of “tombs of immortality” where everyone from each region would be buried coincided with a time when people were increasingly lamenting the dilapidated state of graves. As the large number of newspaper articles quoted show, The Tomb of Immortality takes issue with the neglect of graves, but it was published along with Shiso Akka no In ( The Causes of Deteriorating Social Ideology; 1930) and Shikun Shimin ( The Emperor and the Common People; 1931) as one of a series of three works concerned with the subject of “proper ideological guidance”, which was a prevailing doctrine of that period in Japan.In the first work, The Causes of Deteriorating Social Ideology, Hosono sought to demonstrate the degree to which ideology had declined, not only among certain students and youth groups, but among the whole populace. His arguments, based on masses of “factual materials” gathered from newspaper articles, reflect a stance that he also adopted for the subsequent two works, which Hosono himself positioned as the first and second part of The Causes of Ameliorating Social Ideology. In the second work, The Emperor and the Common People, Hosono again marshalled various “factual materials” regarding the direction (“towards the light”) that should be taken for proper guidance and education of the people, and explains what could be done to effectively “preach” this doctrine. The purpose of the third work, The Tomb of Immortality, is to put forward concrete policies for guiding the populace towards proper ideology and education in a society in which both good and evil exist. The Tomb of Immortality concept was designed as a stage for more effective preaching of the doctrine of proper guidance of ideology, and in this sense, is concerned more with the living than with the dead.An illustration and diagram decorate the opening pages of The Tomb of Immortality as concrete images of the kind of “tomb of immortality” proposed by Hosono. The illustration is the work of an illustrator who was in great demand at that time, Hikozo Ito. Considering that he pitched himself as “the patriot artist”, Ito was perhaps the ideal choice.




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