洛中洛外図屏風歴博甲本の復元工程(Ⅰ. 復元と描かれたものの検討)


  • 洛中洛外図屏風歴博甲本の復元工程
  • ラクチュウ ラクガイズ ビョウブレキ ヒロシ コウホン ノ フクゲン コウテイ




The Folding Screens of Rekihaku A Version of Scenes In and Around Kyoto (Rakuchu-Rakugai-Zu) was restored mainly with digital image manipulation software. However, the restoration work was not fully performed on the computer but partially by hand painting. Because painting an imaginary picture is not appropriate as a restoration work, the restoration design was drawn by referring to proper examples and taking into account the characteristics of the period of the painting. Following this process, the present article shows the views and examples on which the restoration work was based. The article especially focuses on grounds for the touch of gold paint that affected the impression of the painting as a whole.The process of hand-painted restoration is different in each step such as drafting restoration designs for damaged areas, retouching digitally-restored images, and replacing missing paint. Therefore, this article investigates each of these steps to verify the grounds for restoration.With regard to the restoration of gold paint, the condition of the painting at the time of restoration had various problems such as replacement of gold paint, color of paper, and a touch and painting areas of gold. Therefore, at the latest restoration effort, draft designs were used as basic materials for digital processing of respective restorations of gold paint to determine their touch of paint and shape of mist. The expression of gold in Rekihaku A Version is rarely seen in other works of Scenes In and Around Kyoto. Rekihaku A Version has mist of gold paint whereas most of other works have clouds of gold leaf. Compared to decorative clouds that are often seen in Yamato-e paintings, the expression of gold paint can deliver a more aerial feeling, which seems to be similar to the notions of space India ink painters have. It is not gold leaf but gold paint that can create the India-ink-paintinglike expression of space as reproduced by the restoration of Rekihaku A Version that has a wide view of beautiful streetscapes of Kyoto through gold mist and a distant view of noted places through gold haze.



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