A県における看護労働環境に関する研究 : Nursing Work Index-Revised を用いた看護師の意識調査


  • Perception of Staff Nurses in A prefecture of their Working Environment: A Survey Using the Revised Nursing Work Index (Japanese Version)
  • A ケン ニ オケル カンゴ ロウドウ カンキョウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : Nursing Work Index-Revised オ モチイタ カンゴシ ノ イシキ チョウサ



本研究では、現在のA県の看護労働環境を明らかにすることを目的とした。A県内の中規模病院に勤務する看護師を対象に質問票による調査を行った。質問票は、中島・森山(2009)の研究で使用されたNWI-R57項目の内、十分な因子負荷量を示した23項目を使用した。分析には、記述分析、主成分分析、その後因子分析、また一元配置分散分析を行った。対象者の平均年齢は38.4 ± 9.3 歳(n = 163)であった。因子分析では、【看護管理者のマネジメント能力】、【看護師医師関係】、【人員配置】、【専門性を発揮できる職場環境】他2因子、合計6因子が抽出された。本研究から中堅看護師の職場満足度が低いこと、現在も看護師が人員不足を感じていることが明らかになった。中堅看護師に対しての包括的な支援、人員不足に関しては労働条件の整備により、潜在看護師にとっても魅力的な職場環境を創る必要性が示唆された。

The purpose of study was to clarify the current nursing work environment in Japan. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted among nurses working at mid-sized hospitals in A Prefecture. The questionnaire included 23 items, which contirmed their validity and reliability in the study by Nakashima and Moriyama (2009).For this study, descriptive analysis, principal component analysis, factor analysis of variance, and one-way analysis of variance were used for analysis. The participants in this study included 163 nurses. The mean age of the participants was 38.4 ± 9.3 years and they were grouped into three categories according to their nursing experience (novice, mid-career, and veteran). In the factor analysis, six factors were extracted, as was shown by Nakashima and Moriyama. The results of the one-way analysis of variance indicated that mid-career nurses were less satisfied with their work environment and they felt that their departments were understaffed for many years. It was suggested that comprehensive support for mid-career nurses should be provided. One way of solving the shortage of manpower might be by making the working environment attractive enough even to latent nurses, who have licenses but do not work as nurses.


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