Radiocarbon dating of the 81m-long drilling core (HDP04) from Lake Khubsugul, Mongolia(Summaries of Researches Using AMS)


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  • モンゴル・フブスグル湖から採取された81mドリリングコア試料 (HDP04)の放射性炭素年代測定(タンデトロン加速器質量分析計業績報告2004(平成16)年度)

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Lacustrine sediments provide excellent continental records of past variations in environment and biological activities. Lake Khubusgul, Mongolia, is one of the largest lakes of East Asia and located at a high elevation (1645m above sea level). This geographical characteristic makes Lake Khubusgul a unique place for paleoclimate studies using a continuous core sediment. A drilling core (HDP04) and gravity core (GC-4) were taken from the basin floor of Lake Khubusgul (50°57'19"N, 100°21'32"E; water depth, 250m) in 2004. The lengths of the HDP04 and GC-4 sediment cores were ca. 81m and 0.6m, respectively. AMS ^<14>C age dating for the latest Quaternary was performed for the 18 samples from the upper part of the HDP04 sediment cores (〜350cm depth) and the gravity core by an accelerator mass spectrometer (Model-4130 AMS, HVEE). AMS ^<14>C ages of total organic materials in the HDP04 sediment core do not become progressively older with depth, which suggest that sedimentary layers were disturbed by piston coring. The linear sedimentation rates are estimated to be 1.0 cm/kyr for 0-10 cm and 3.0 cm/kyr for 10-20 cm of the gravity core from Lake Khubusgul (GC-4), based on the conventional ^<14>C ages. Several radiocarbon age studies on other sediment cores from Lake Khubusgul show a rate of sediment accumulation ca. 1.3-5.7 cm/kyr [Fedotov et al., 2003; Nara et al., 2004]. The average linear sedimentation rates of GC-4 sediment core (0-20cm depth) are comparable with those from other cores from the Lake Khubusgul.


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