中年期女性の発達とロールシャッハ・テスト : 不安を訴えた2事例の検討

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Development of Middle-Aged Women and the Rorschach Analysis : Examination of Two Cases Expressed Anxiety
  • チュウネンキ ジョセイ ノ ハッタツ ト ロールシャッハ テスト フアン オ



In this study, the developmental processes from infancy to adulthood of two middle-aged women were examined from the viewpoint of Erikson, E. H. (1950)'s psychosocial development, and they were analysed by the Rorschach Test. Both cases were (1) committed to working in twenties, (2) marriaged about thirty, (3) retired on the opportunity of the marriage and/or the birth, (4) complained of anxiety in adulthood. "Generativity vs. Stagnation" is the task and the crisis of psychosocial development in adulthood. Although this is the main task in this stage, they worked on the task of "Intimacy vs. Isolation" in young adulthood together. Formation of the self in adolescence and especially maturity of the self as a female were also examined in adulthood. And relationships between the self and parents in infancy were inquired repeatedly. These cases with problems of adaptation were found each fixtations in the early developmental stage. Therefore they had the same kind of problems in adolescence again. And in adulthood they face the task of adolescence have not resolved and the task of young adulthood. By the Rorschach Test their object relationships and the processes of the female self could be clear. The Rorschach Test was able to analyze not only from the psychopathological viewpoint but also from the developmental viewpoint.


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