大学生用リスクテイキング行動尺度 (RIBS-U) の作成

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  • Development and validation of a Risk-taking Behavior Scale for Undergraduates (RIBS-U)
  • 資料 大学生用リスクテイキング行動尺度(RIBS-U)の作成
  • シリョウ ダイガクセイヨウ リスクテイキング コウドウ シャクド RIBS U ノ サクセイ



The purpose of this paper was to develop and provide validation information for a Risk-taking Behavior Scale for Undergraduates (RIBS-U). In study 1,60 undergraduates (mean age=20.20 years) were asked to nominate up to five behaviors that they believed to be risky, and then Risk-taking Behavior Scale for Undergraduates (RIBS-U) was constructed. In study 2,523 undergraduates (mean age=19.82 years) completed the RIBS-U. A factor analysis of the RIBS-U revealed two significant factors that were labeled Personal Risk-taking (PR; e.g., driving while intoxicated, smoking, speeding) and Social Risk-taking (SR; e.g., tardy, running a red light, breaking a promise). The correlation between the two factors was .24. Analysis of variance revealed that males were more likely to engage in the PR behaviors than females, and females were more likely to engage in the SR behaviors than males. Study 3 investigated the test-retest reliability of the RIBS-U across 6-months period in sample of 178 undergraduates. Correlation analysis showed good reliability of the scale. Study 4 investigated the effects of risk-taking behavior tendency on negative events across 6-months period in sample of 166 undergraduates. The regression analysis revealed that adolescents who engaged in risk-taking behaviors were likely to have culpable accidents. Study 5 investigated the effects of risk-taking behavior tendency on attendance at lectures in sample of 291 undergraduates. The regression analysis revealed that adolescents who engaged in the PR behaviors were likely to be absent from the lectures. Results of these analyses showed good reliability and high construct validity of the RIBS-U.


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