友人関係における親密性と排他性 : 排他性に関連する問題を中心にして

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Intimacy and exclusivity in friendship : Focusing on problematic issues of exclusivity
  • ユウジン カンケイ ニ オケル シンミツセイ ト ハイタセイ ハイタセイ ニ カンレン スル モンダイ オ チュウシン ニ シテ



This study reviewed existing research on friendship from infancy through adolescence, placing a particular focus on middle childhood stage, and discussed the relationship between intimacy and exclusivity, as well as problems caused by exclusivity. From the research review, it was revealed that females, more than males, enjoyed more intimate friendships, and were more exclusive, often expressing their intimacy through acts of exclusivity. Furthermore, it was likely that exclusivity was also responsible for the fixation of friendship groups within the class, and bullying in intimate cliques. In addition, this study probed into what effects the increase of highly intimate, highly exclusive informal groups has on children who do not belong to these groups, and called this phenomenon the “billiard phenomenon.”


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