Toward an Understanding of the “Hating to Lose” Mentality and Sport Motivation

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  • 負けず嫌いとスポーツ動機づけの理解に向けて
  • マケズギライ ト スポーツドウキズケ ノ リカイ ニ ムケテ

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Previous studies of motivation have assumed that in general, success breeds positive feelings and motivation while failure generates negative feelings and dampens motivation. However, a closer look at comments made by athletes in interviews reveals that in many cases, regret about losing a game can actually transform itself into a strong desire to win the next competition. In order to promote an academic study of the link between the feeling of not wanting to lose and motivation, this paper summarized the presentations and discussions that got underway at the Round Table Discussion, which was organized as part of the 2013 Japan Annual Congress of Sport Psychology. The authors described actual conditions and research perspectives of the “hating to lose” mentality based on the results of questionnaires, the expertise of elite athletes, and mental training for athletes”. It is hoped that the Round Table Discussion will generate further research in this area.


  • 総合保健体育科学

    総合保健体育科学 37 (1), 13-21, 2014-04-30


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