

  • Research of Development Rancher House in Hokkaido in the Middle of the Meiji Era -Seeing from Old Koyama Shigeki's of Kamiiso-cho-
  • メイジ チュウキ ノ ホッカイドウ ニ オケル カイタク ノウジョウシュ ジュウタク ニ ツイテ ハコダテ キンコウ カミイソチョウ ノ キュウ カミヤマ シゲキ テイ カラ ミエテ クル コト




It is a theses that analyzed Koyama Shigeki's house constructed in 1896 age in Kamiiso in Hakodate suburbs from the viewpoint of an architectural history. This house exists now. The locale was surveyed in this research, and the in-house probe and the measurement survey also executed it. It was constructed with Koyama Shigeki's house as farm proprietor's home. These houses are two stories per wooden one. It is located with one of the combination of Japanese and Western-style houses as the Western-style room is arranged over plurals though the plane is a transformation of the character type of Tanoji. The externals style is due to a European style design of clapboard Cho's stick style. A sense of beauty Japanese style as the possession sendeing of a Japanese style design is clearly destributed there is seen. A pseudo European style stern is caught if it thinks like that. The design is due to the same carpenter chief as construction.


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