

  • アジア ト ニホン オ カンキョウ キョウイク デ ムスブ アラタナ ダイガクイン キョウイク システム ノ コウチク
  • Connecting Asian Countries and Japan via ESD(Education for Sustainable Development) Program -Trial at Graduate School of Human Sciences-




Kobe College is a small women's college located in Nishinomiya, Japan. The college has carried out international exchange programs for years under the banner of "internationalism". Taking this as a background, we developed an ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) program that has the following four characteristics. Nishinomiya city has a long history of ESD action, with Japan's first Environmental Learning City Declaration. The NPO Learning and Ecological Activities Foundation for children (LEAF) formed in Nishinomiya and actively conducts ESD, Under the new program, the College, local authorities, and NPOs collaborate in order to nurture future environmental leaders who will promote ESD from the perspective of local communities. Kobe college has utilized an Internet vidoe conferencing system for international exchange. The new ESD program also includes live interactive lectures connecting students in universities across Asia. Both foreign and Japanese students learn about Japan's ESD experience and case studies of various countries by professors on-site, with productive discussion. Such experiences foster an international perspective, which is essential in the implementation of ESD in local communities. Kobe College is a liberal arts college; faculties of the natural sciences (environmental science, environmental engineering, ecology, and medical science), and human sciences (economics, psychology, behavioral science, and law) have offered courses collaboratively. As ESD requires input from various fields and methods, this program offers an interdisciplinary curriculum covering a wide variety of natural and human science fields. Though it might be controversial from a gender viewpoint, the focus of this program is on training female leaders. It is our hope that after completing the ESD program the trainees will promote the participation of local women in society.


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