乳牛の泌乳中・後期における, 給与飼料低減によるボディコンディションスコアの調整
- タイトル別名
- Control of the Body Condition Score to Reduce Feeding Dairy Cow in the Middle and Latter Lactation.
- ニュウギュウ ノ ヒツニュウ チュウ コウキ ニ オケル キュウヨ シリョウ テイゲン ニ ヨル ボディコンディションスコア ノ チョウセイ
The adiposeness milk cow tends to be breeding difficulty and disorder of nutrition. Therefore, dairy cow should keep the body condition (BC) properly. Generally, it is guided to be get in shape BC within latter lactation, and being led to hold proper BC in dry period. The objective of the present study was to become closer to adequate body condition score (BCS) at the adiposeness dairy cow. The feeding trial which was restricted the feed of the middle and latter lactation was done to study the effect of the change in BCS, body weight (BW) and the milk production. [Test I] Eight weeks feeding trial was done using 16 Holstein dairy cows which were postpartum 3-11 months were fed rye silage, lucerne haycube and concentrate. Feedstuff of 4 cows (group CI) was decreased only concentrate. And, feedstuff of 6 cows (group NI) were decreased same feeding ratio with control I (6 cows). [Test 2] Eight weeks feeding trial was done using 16 Holstein dairy cows which were postpartum 4-9 months were fed corn silage, lucerne haycube and concentrate. And, feedstuff of 6 cows (group CII) was decreased only concentrate. Feedstuff of 5 cows (group NII) were decreased same feeding ratio with control II (5 cows). CI, NI, CII and NII group's TDN adequacy were 83-86%. The decline rate of lactation yield during experiment period were CI : 32.4%, NI : 28.3%, control I : 11.6%, CII : 30.4%, NII :33.3% and control II : 25.5%, respectively. The decrement of BW during experiment period at NI was 23kg, also CI,CII and NII were 34-40kg. In all decrease fed group, these BW decrement were significant against controls. It was resulted that the significant decrease of BCS in the decrease fed group were about 0.2~0.4 during experiment period. BCS hardly changed in controls. Meanwhile, BW change in controls were I : 0 kg and II : +15kg during experiment period. TDN adequacy were I : 97% and II : 106%. It was shown that BCS could be adjusted in latter lactation.
過肥の乳牛は繁殖障害, 栄養障害が起こり易く, ボディコンディションを適正に保つ必要がある。そこで, 過肥の乳牛を良好なボディコンディションスコア (BCS) に近づけることを目的として, 泌乳中期・後期の個体に給餌量を制限した飼養試験を行い, BCS, 体重の変化および乳生産に与える影響を検討した。粗飼料の違いにより次の2試験を行った。【試験 I】試験開始時に分娩後3ヵ月~11ヵ月のホルスタイン種の搾乳牛16頭を供試し, 内6頭は通常の給与量とした (対照区 I) 。これ以外の10頭は飼料給与を低減し, 4頭は配合飼料のみ減らし (C I区), 6頭は対照区 I と同じ粗濃比で給与した (N I区)。給与飼料はライ麦サイレージ, ルーサンヘイキューブ, および配合飼料とし, 8週間の飼養試験を行った。【試験 II】試験開始時に分娩後4ヵ月~9ヵ月のホルスタイン種の搾乳牛16頭を供試し, 内5頭は通常の給与とした (対照区 II) 。これ以外の11頭は飼料給与を低減し, 6頭は配合飼料のみ減らし (C II区), 5頭は対照区 I と同じ粗濃比とした (N II区) 。給与飼料はコーンサイレージ, ルーサンヘイキューブ, および配合飼料とし, 8週間の飼養試験を行った。CI, NI, CII, NII 各区の可消化養分総量 (TDN) 充足率は83~86%となった。乳量の試験開始時に対する終了時の低下率としては, CI区 32.4%, NI区 28.3%, 対照区 I 11.6%, CII区 30.4%, NII区 33.3%, および対照区 II 25.5%であった。試験開始時に比べ試験終了時の体重はNI区で23kg, CI, CII および NII で34~40kgと有意に減少した。BCS は飼料給与低減区において試験期間中に0.2~0.4程度の有意な低下が得られた。対照区の TDN 充足率は I : 97%と II : 106%, 体重変化は I : 0kgと II : +15kg であった。BCS はほとんど変化しなかった。泌乳後期における BCS の調整の可能性が示されたと考えられる。
- 畜産草地研究所研究報告 = Bulletin of National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science
畜産草地研究所研究報告 = Bulletin of National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science 11 19-26, 2011-03-01
独立行政法人 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390572174705378816
- 120006587261
- AA11740161
- 11072140
- 13470825
- 本文言語コード
- ja
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