日本語教育実習事例研究 : 中級段階において特殊な過程を持つ語句・表現の説明


  • ニホンゴ キョウイク ジッシュウ ジレイ ケンキュウ チュウキュウ ダンカイ ニ オイテ トクシュ ナ カテイ オ モツ ゴク ・ ヒョウゲン ノ セツメイ
  • A case study of teaching processes in an intermediate-level JFL course conducted by a student-teacher



Analyzing a practicum conducted by a JFL student-teacher, this paper discusses effective teaching processes for the explanation of phrases in intermediate-level JFL learning. The results demonstrate the following two aspects: 1. In order to explain a phrase in the most comprehensible manner, explication of its meaning should precede description of its sentence structure. 2. If it is necessary for information regarding the sentence structure to precede the meaning of the phrase, then the explanation can be made easy to understand if three conditions are in place:  a) information regarding the sentence structure proceeds quickly to the meaning;  b) the meaning is supported by appropriate examples in order to create a clear image in the students' minds;  c) the meaning of the phrase is presented in the form of a sentence.


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