大分県産スギ材の強度特性(第3報) : 構造用集成材の強度性能


  • Strength Properties of Sugi (Cryptomeria Japonica) Grown in Oita Prefecture (III) : Strength Performance of Structural Glued Laminated Timber
  • オオイタケンサン スギザイ ノ キョウド トクセイ ダイ3ポウ コウゾウヨウ シュウセイザイ ノ キョウド セイノウ



In order to develop structural glud laminated timber made from the Sugi (Cryptmeria japonica) grown in Oita prefecture, the following tests were carried out :(1)Young's modules performance tests of logs and laminae, (2) Being and Tensiile strength tests of laminae,(3) Bending and compression strength tests of small dimension glulam, (4)Bending sterngth tests of medium dimension glaum, and (5)Bending strength tests of the structural glued laminated timber composed of Sugi and Douglasfir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). The results are summarized as follows: (1)The mean change rate of the Young's modulus in the conversion from logs dried laminae were 1.12. The distribution of the Young's modulus of dried laminae can be estimated based on the logs Efrl. (2)The bending strength value was 51.0N/mm2 in the not-joint laminae and the tensile strength value was 29.3N/mm2. Finger joint effeciency was 85% according to the bending test and 91% according to the tensile test. (3)The bending strength of the small-dimension glulam were higher than those established by the JAS(Japanese Agricultural Standard ). The cmopression strength were higher than the standards established by the Ministy of Construction notice, but the buckling strength were lower than the standards established by this agency. (4) In the midium dimension glulam, all satisfied the standard set by the JAS. The product using lower grade laminae than the JAS, and the possibility of using lower grade laminae for the innner layer was suggested. (5)Improvement in the strength performance of structural glued laminated timber composed of Sugi and Douglas fir was recognized in comparison with structural glulam composed of only Sugi finger joint laminae.


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