ドイツの学力格差是正策の展開とその特徴 ─ ベルリンを事例に ─


  • ドイツ ノ ガクリョク カクサ ゼセイサク ノ テンカイ ト ソノ トクチョウ : ベルリン オ ジレイ ニ
  • The Challenge of Germany for Closing the Achievement Gap : Focusing on the Case Studies in Berlin





Following the so-called “PISA shock" at the end of 2001 in Germany, the federal government decided to make immediate reforms to the educational system. The PISA analysis revealed Germany's achievement gap to be larger than those of other countries. Since then, German educational policy has been focused on closing the achievement gap. In this paper, we aim to clarify the impact of the policy and the challenges faced with rolling it out, using the data of case studies in Berlin. In Germany, the difference of each federal state is very big; however, almost all federal states focused on this issue and improved the PDCA cycle. Furthermore, one of the features of Berlin's educational policy is its emphasis on diversity in schools. In fact, there were various mechanisms in place to take into account the diversity in schooling practices.


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