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  • <Article>Response of High School Teachers to the Super-Global High School Project and Changes in Educational Ability and Consciousness
  • 高校教員のスーパーグローバルハイスクールへの対応と教育力・意識の変容に関する質的研究
  • コウコウ キョウイン ノ スーパーグローバルハイスクール エ ノ タイオウ ト キョウイクリョク ・ イシキ ノ ヘンヨウ ニ カンスル シツテキ ケンキュウ



Recently, Japan has adopted a performance-based approach to its education policy, and the achievement level of educational programs is evaluated using quantitative numerical targets. However, educational outcomes are not limited to quantification. This paper thus aims to clarify educational outcomes that are difficult to grasp numerically. For this purpose, it used qualitative analysis methods for the Super Global High School (SGH) project, from multiple perspectives, taking into account the process. Considering an interview survey of 40 teachers from two SGH-project-designated schools, the author examined how the teachers responded to it and what kind of changes were observed in the educational ability and consciousness of the teachers. The interview analysis led to the following four findings: (1)Teachers initially had expectations and experienced anxiety in connection with the SGH project. (2)Teachers were feeling the motivation and growth of students through the SGH project. (3)Through the SGH project activities, ingenuity and changes in educational methods at the individual teacher level, as well as cooperation among teachers, can be seen. (4)Teachers regard the SGH project as an activity with a high educational effect. Teachers can exhibit changes due to direct or indirect factors. The former change is caused by the fact that high schools have been designated as SGH, and teachers must learn new teaching methods. The latter change is caused by the teacher seeing the transformation and growth of the students, which motivates the teacher to actively try new things.


  • 地域連携教育研究

    地域連携教育研究 6 19-31, 2021-01-31





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