阿部知二における南方体験 : 『火の島 : ジャワ・バリ島の記』と『死の花』を中心に

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  • 尹 小娟
    九州大学大学院地球社会統合科学府 : 博士課程


  • Tomoji Abe's Stay in Indonesia : Island of Fire - Java and Bali Islands Records and Flower of Death
  • アベ トモジ ニ オケル ナンポウ タイケン : 『 ヒ ノ シマ : ジャワ ・ バリトウ ノ キ 』 ト 『 シ ノ ハナ 』 オ チュウシン ニ



One month after the beginning of the Pacific War, Tomoji Abe was sent to Java as a drafted writer. After his return to Tokyo, Abe wrote a collection of essays titled Island of Fire - Java and Bali Island Records (July 1944) based on this one-year experience. In addition, after the war, Abe published Flower of Death (September 1947) which represents the "South" mainly in the form of fiction. This paper mainly aims to analyze how Tomoji Abe's experiences in Indonesia are expressed in his texts, and by comparing these two collections, we attempt to discover changes in the representation of the "South" between the wartime and post-war texts.


  • Comparatio

    Comparatio 20 11-23, 2016-12-28


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