Genotypic differences in total polyphenol contents and radical scavenging activities in the fruits of Actinidia species

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  • キウイフルーツ等マタタビ属果実における総ポリフェノール含量およ びDPPH ラジカル消去活性の種間ならびに品種・系統間差異
  • キウイフルーツ トウ マタタビゾク カジツ ニ オケル ソウ ポリフェノール ガンリョウ オヨビ DPPH ラジカル ショウキョ カッセイ ノ タネ カン ナラビニ ヒンシュ ・ ケイトウ カン サイ

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Total polyphenol contents and DPPH(2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl)radical scavenging activities in Actinidia fruit were determined in various cultivars/selections, including five A. deliciosa, seven A. chinensis, two A. rufa, six A. arguta, and two interspecific hybrids. The total polyphenol content of fruit of A. deliciosa cv. ‘Hayward’, the most common commercially available cultivar, was 34.3 mg galic acid equivalent/100 g fresh weight (FW). Among A. chinensis cultivars, ‘Golden king’, ‘Golden yellow’, and ‘Rainbow red’ showed significantly higher concentrations in total polyphenol than ‘Hayward’. In most cultivars/selections of A. arguta, the total polyphenol contents in the fruits were significantly higher than that in ‘Hayward’. In A. chinensis and A. arguta, the DPPH radical scavenging activities in the fruit extracts were much higher than those of A. deliciosa fruits with the exception of ‘Koshin’, ‘Ananasnaya’, and‘ Nagano’.


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