人を育てる営みに関与する青年のジェネラティヴィティ ―教育・保育の営みに焦点をあてて―


  • Research on Generativity of Young Adulthood: Focusing on the Context of Workers Engaged in Education and Childcare
  • ヒト オ ソダテル イトナミ ニ カンヨ スル セイネン ノ ジェネラティヴィティ : キョウイク ・ ホイク ノ イトナミ ニ ショウテン オ アテテ



This research considers the development and changes of Generativity, coined by E. H. Erikson, among youth and young adulthoods who are engaged in education and childcare and highlights the need of further empirical research which focuses on Generativity in the context of these workers. As Generativity has been explained as a developmental task of middle aged people in terms of the cultural demands surrounding this aged people, which develops Generativity, youth has not been explained as a age which is seen a significant development of Generativity. However, when it comes to the working environment of those youth who are engaged in education and childcare, they are frequently faced the cultural demands during their work. The recent tendency of declining of birth rates have encouraged the sector of education and childcare to play a role significantly to support and develop children and their family in a local community.


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