A characteristic of the self-oriented perfectionism : From the standpoint of psychological maladjustment and maladaptive cognition

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  • 自己志向的完全主義の特徴 : 精神的不健康に関する諸特性との関連から
  • ジコ シコウテキ カンゼンシュギ ノ トクチョウ セイシンテキ フケンコウ ニカンスル ショトクセイ ト ノ カンレン カラ

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This study investigated the relationship between self-oriented perfectionism, which had four factors consisting of desire for perfection, personal standard, concern over mistakes, and doubt of actions, and fifteen of psychological variable. Four hundred and seventy four (474) university students completed a questionnaire. Results showed that desire for perfection was almost not related to psychological adjustment; those who set higher personal standard tended to focus on “his / her own task”; those who concern overly mistakes tended to focus on “themselves who are reflected in the public eyes”; and those who doubt one's actions tended to focus on “his / her own behavior”. Also, based on the scores personal standard and concern over mistakes, participants were classified into four groups. Results indicated that people who showed both higher scored personal standard and concern over mistakes were related to conformity and helplessness; people who showed only higher scored personal standard were related with regard to future research are discussed.


  • 対人社会心理学研究

    対人社会心理学研究 9 91-100, 2009


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