

  • A Study on the Nurses' Satisfaction In Psychosocial Nursing Care
  • カンゴ ノ ココロ ノ ケア マンゾクド ニ カンスル ケンキュウ




こころのケア満足度に影響を与える要因を明らかにする事を目的として, 看護者188人を対象とした質問紙調査を実施した.その結果こころのケア満足度から以下の4因子が抽出された.1.「ケア全般における臨床判断」は勤務年数, 年齢, サポート人数との関連があった.2.「精神面に着目したケア」は人員, 時間, 看護者のこころのケアへの支持, スタッフ間の意見・情報交換との関連があった.3.「患者一看護者関係を活用したケア」は勤務年数, サポート人数との関連があった.4.「その人らしさを支えるケア」は勤務年数・年齢スタッフ間の意見・情報交換との関連があった.これらの関連要因から, カンファレンス等を行う事で, スタッフ間の情報・知識・ケアバリエーションの共有や, 見えにくいこころのケアの意識化が可能となり, こころのケア満足度の促進につながる事が明らかになった.また, こころのケア満足度を促進するためには, リエゾンナースの存在の必要性が示唆された.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the elements influencing on nurses' satisfaction in psychosocial nursing care. The degree of satisfaction of 188 nurses working in the national university hospital was quantitatively assessed using the nurses' satisfy action scale in psychosocial nursing care as an analyzing device which was constructed by four factors. The main findings are summarized as follows. 1. Clinical judgment in nursing care and Care concerning the relation between the patient and nurse showed a positive correlation with years of nursing experience, age of nurses and support members. 2. Care focuses on the psychosocial nursing showed a positive correlation with the number of persons, time consumption for nursing care, support for nursing care, and the exchange of views and information in the staff. 3. Care for supporting the individuality of the patient showed a positive correlation with years of nursing experience, age of nurses, and the exchange of views and information in the staff. The results suggest that the staff conference might facilitate the nurses' satisfaction in psychosocial nursing care by providing an opportunity to share information, knowledge and care variations among the staff in addition to recognize clearly an insensible mind care. The results also suggests that the existence of liaison nurse could rise the nurses' satisfaction in psychosocial care.


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