Bacteriological Study on the Contamination of Flower Vase Water


  • 花器水汚染の細菌学的検討




Water from flower vases at various locations in the hospital was cultured for isolation of bacteria, together with investigating the effects of disinfectants on flower vase water (FVW) contamination. Immediately after putting the flowers, viable bacteria counts were below the detection limit (<10^3 cfu/ml). With the lapse of time, these counts increased to 10^5 cfu/ml on the second to third days regardless of the location. A wide range of bacterial species including multidrug-resistant nonfermentative gram-negative rods such as Flavobacterium, Pseudomonas, and Alcaligenes sp. were isolated. These isolates were considered to originate not only from the flower stalks but also from the hospital environment. Out of five disinfectants, 1.25% sodium hypochlorite (Milton) and 1.0% benzethonium chloride (Hyamine) were proved effective for preventing contamination of FVW without affecting the flower's vitality. The use of a disinfectant in the FVW or at least a daily change of water is recommended in the ward of compromised patients.

病院内の色々な場所に設置した花器水の汚染度を細菌学的に検討した,同時に汚染予防として消毒剤の効果も調べた.花器に生花を生けた直後の生菌数は検出限界以下(<10^3 cfu/ml)であったが,花器の設置場所に拘らず,経目的に増加し,汚染度は2~3日目では10^5 cfu/mlに達した.汚染菌種は多様で,その中には多剤耐性ブドウ糖非発酵菌(フラボバクテリウム属,緑膿菌属やアルカリゲネス属)が含まれていた.これらの汚染菌の由来は,生花の茎ばかりでなく院内環境もあると推定された.5種の消毒剤のうち,1.25% sodium hypochloride(ミルトン)と1.0%benzathonium chloride(ハイアミン)が生花の状態に影響を与えずに汚染を予防することが明らかになった.これらのことから,易感染者のいる病室や病棟においては,これらの消毒剤の使用あるいは少なくとも1日1回の花器水の交換が推奨された.


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