The relationship between nurse's family care and experience-year in an intensive care uni

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  • 集中治療室における看護師の家族援助とICU経験年数との関連
  • シュウチュウ チリョウシツ ニ オケル カンゴシ ノ カゾク エンジョ ト ICU ケイケン ネンスウ トノ カンレン

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The purpose of this research was to clarify nurse's practice of a family care in an intensive care unit (ICU). Forty nurses who work in the ICU, were undertaken the questionnaire with 15 items about family care. The subjects were divided into 3 groups according to an experience-year in the ICU.The results were as follows;1) Practice rates were relatively high in following items; "explanation of current patient condition", "circumference-consideration around the bed at visitor-coming". But" explanation of medical treatments", "explanation schedule which needs cooperation with a doctor" showed low practice rates.2) There were significant differences by ICU experience-year in 2 items. The nurses under 3-year experience showed higher rate in the item" telling one's name to apatient in charge".The nurses 3-7 experience-year were excellent in the item "making a good atmosphere in which a family speak".


identifier:富山大学看護学会誌, 第7巻2号, 2008.3., page 1-6


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