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  • Type of University Students Who Skip Breakfast and the Relationship Between the Initiation Period : Before and After Becoming University Students:and Lifestyle Behavior
  • ダイガクセイ ニ オケル チョウショク ケッショク ノ ゲンジョウ ハアク オヨビ ケッショク カイシ ジキ ト ゲンザイ ノ シンシン ヤ セイカツ シュウカン ジョウキョウ ト ノ カンレン ノ ケントウ : ガクドウキ ・ シシュンキ カラ ト ダイガクセイ カラ デ ノ ヒカク




Objective. This study aimed to 1) clarify the type of university students who skip breakfast 2) and compare the lifestyle behavior between students who skip breakfast before becoming university students and those who do so after.Method. Annual health check-up data of Japanese students (n=1406) were analyzed. BMI was calculated using measured height and weight. The frequency of eating breakfast, sleep duration, exercise habit, and depressive symptoms were obtained through a questionnaire.Results. The prevalence of skipping breakfast increased with the increasing distance from school year (male: p=0.03, female: p<0.01). About 70% of men and 60% of women who skipped breakfast developed this habit before becoming a university student, whereas 60% of students living by themselves developed this habit after becoming a university student. There were no differences in lifestyle and mental and physical health among students who started skipping breakfast before becoming university students and those who did so after, except for the fact that male students who started skipping breakfast after becoming university students demonstrated a stronger desire for thinness.Discussion: There is no need to consider the history of skipping breakfast for students who already have this habit.




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