多読の授業におけるアクティブラーニングの実践 : 学習者の動機づけに焦点をあてて


  • Promoting Motivation in an Extensive Reading Class : Using Active Learning Strategies




Extensive reading has been widely recognized as an effective method of teaching in ESL and EFL. Many positive effects from extensive reading research have been reported, including promoting motivation and student autonomy. Similarly, active learning has attracted much attention in higher education in Japan since education reforms were recommended by the Central Education Council of Japan in 2012. This present paper explores the theoretical background and effects of both extensive reading and active learning, and reports on the implementation of active learning in an extensive reading class. The effects of active learning and extensive reading in this study were investigated by administering an open-ended survey to students who took part in active learning activities in an extensive reading class. The analysis of the survey showed that features of active learning and extensive reading mutually promoted the students’ motivation to keep reading.


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