健康心理学における健康教材作成の効果 : アクティブ・ラーニングを取り入れた授業運営


  • Effects of Student-Created Teaching Materials in Health Psychology Classes
  • ケンコウ シンリガク ニ オケル ケンコウ キョウザイ サクセイ ノ コウカ : アクティブ ・ ラーニング オ トリイレタ ジュギョウ ウンエイ




In Health Psychology classes, health education aims to teach the knowledge and attitudes necessary to sustain and promote good health and to prevent disease. College-level Health Psychology teaches psychological theory of health and health behavior but it is also expected that students will review their lifestyles because the class itself contains desirable health education for students. This study reviewed the effectiveness of using active learning techniques in Health Psychology classes (i.e., student-group creation of teaching materials). Examination of student-created teaching materials for the past three years and of a questionnaire suggested several improvements. In summary, by creating health-teaching materials, students gained a practical understanding of health education and more knowledge of health and health promotion. They also had the opportunity to review and were motivated to improve their individual lifestyles.


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