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  • 武道必修化に伴う柔道指導法のあり方について(第1報) : 学習指導要領改訂と保健体育編改善の趣旨や内容を中心に<教育科学>
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This study is designed to verify the teaching method of judo as a compulsory subject at junior high schools in Japan. This is the initial report that shows the characteristics of judo as a teaching material from the point of the revised Fundamental Law of Education and the new education guideline of health and physical education for junior high schools.Additional study deals not only with learning contents of judo itself and teaching contents of throws, but teaching methods and safety measures in order to preserve and develop our tradition and culture as well as teaching procedure; from the point of the Ministry’s revised guidancemanuals on judo (1993) and its second revision (2007).The findings from the study are as follows:1. One of the main goals of Fundamental Law of Education and New Educational Guidelines is to work with international community for mutual harmony and benefit, which leads to ournational prosperity.2. Education on tradition and culture in Physical Education is assigned in the field of Budo. The main idea is to build the character foundation in the process of acquiring techniques.3. As a Budo it is necessary to clarify the significance of structural peculiarity of judo , which is one of its advantages from the point of lifelong sport.4. Character foundation is acquired in learning Budo by means of assessing the others’ physical danger and feeling their pain, self-controlling, and feeling gratitude to the others.5. At the early stage in learning throws, it is important for both sides to perform in the “stabilized”position and gradually to learn larger throws.6. The problem in the procedure of teaching throws is to decide on the criteria of difficulty level.7. The items of instruction for tradition and culture of judo includes; significance of dojo, the wayto take care of judo-gi, behavior, qi (life energy), ma (life energy ) and kata (formation ).8. With regard to safety measures, it is necessary at the early stage of learning to take account of the adequacy of either Sasae-waza (propping and drawing throws) or Kari-waza (reaping throws) for Ukemi.


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