- タイトル別名
- Religion and Proliferating Pluralism of Values : Negotiating the Boundaries on Hinduism in Indonesia
- シュウキョウ ト タゲンカ スル カチ インドネシア ニ オケル ヒンドゥー オ メグル キョウカイセン オ サダメル トウソウ
Since the 1980s, Hinduism in Indonesia has undergone a deterritorializationfrom Bali. It was realized that there were more Hindus outside Balithan in, and a network connecting Hindus at the national level was organized.Before this, the relationship between Hinduism and Bali had been so unquestionedthat the institutionalization of Hinduism in Indonesia was based on it.As the unavoidable signs of deterritorialization became obvious, Hindus outsideBali began to voice a great deal of criticism of the institutionalization ofHinduism based on the Balinese community and `Bali-centrism". In 2001,this criticism led to a dramatic event, the disruption of the Hindu representativeorganization Parisada Hindu Dharma in Bali. The first purpose of thisessay is to clarify the process of deterritorialization, the content of the criticism,and its influence.The most visible innovation raised by the deterritorialization is an awarenessof the public significance of Hinduism within which a consciousness ofa pluralism of values is intensifying. Now Hindus can talk about new targetssuch as a realization of civil society and democracy which can be said to beparallel to the democratization movement which emerged around the fall ofthe Soeharto regime, and also with the expanding discussion on the role ofpublic religion in the academic field. The argument on Hindu democracy canmobilize several agencies. However in reality these agencies have their ownindividual claims rather than sharing goals. Hinduism is not a closed arenahaving a common religious foundation, but rather contains several discontinuities.The second purpose here is to trace the values of the now discontinuousHinduism in the context of national policies, social organizations, communitycustoms, and individual consciousness.
- 国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology 29 (3), 375-428, 2005-02-23
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390572174773862784
- 110004413248
- AN00091943
- 0385180X
- 8045192
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles