Basis of Career planning perspectives exemplified by "Will, Can, and Must"?
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- <研究ノート>キャリアプランニングの視点"Will, Can, Must"は何を根拠にしたものか
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In Japan, the perspective represented by the concept of "Will, Can, and Must" has been emphasized in various career planning situations. Moreover, this concept has also been represented by circles, and attention has frequently been focused on where these circles overlap. This study explored two possibilities that are the basis of career planning, including the perspective of "Will, Can, and Must." Results of past studies suggest that this concept targets people working in organizations and job hunting students and that using this perspective leads to motivation, satisfaction, and reward. Furthermore, the perspectives of Drucker, P. F., and Schein, E. H., are introduced as the foundation of this perspective. Finally, we have indicated that all theorists commonly advocate the necessity to conduct career planning with a social perspective, without overly considering individual career preferences.
- 生涯学習とキャリアデザイン
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン 15 (2), 33-38, 2018-03
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390572174780358272
- NII Article ID
- 120006474112
- NII Book ID
- AA11961965
- 10114/14192
- 13493051
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
- CiNii Articles
- Abstract License Flag
- Allowed