Furocoumarins, including psoralen, have not been detected in the fruits of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa and A. chinensis).

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  • キウイフルーツ果実からソラレン等のフロクマリンは検出されない
  • キウイフルーツ カジツ カラ ソラレン トウ ノ フロクマリン ワ ケンシュツ サレナイ

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Many web sites written in Japanese provide very suspicious information that the fruits of kiwifruit are rich in psoralen, a phototoxic furocoumarin. In order to deny the suspicious information, the furocoumarin content in the fruit of ‘Hayward’ and ‘ZESY002’ kiwifruit was determined using reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). Furocoumarins(psoralen, 5-methoxypsoralen, 8-methoxypsoralen and angelicin)have not been detected in the fruits of both cultivars. The content of each furocoumarin in the fruits was estimated as less than 2.36 μg per 100 g flesh weight from the detection limit in the HPLC system. The results in the present study have obviously shown it is the false information that the fruits of kiwifruit are rich in psoralen.


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