戰國の會盟と符 : 馬王堆漢墓帛書『戰國縱横家書』二〇章をめぐって

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  • Huimeng 會盟 and Fu 符 during the Warring States Period 戰國時代 : Chapter 20 of the Mawangdui Han Tomb Silk Manuscript 馬王堆漢墓帛書 Zhangguo Zongheng jia Shu 戰國縱横家書
  • 戦国の会盟と符--馬王堆漢墓帛書「戦国縦横家書」20章をめぐって
  • センゴク ノ カイメイ ト フ マ オウタイ カンボ ハクショ センコク ジュウオ
  • 戦国の会盟と符 : 馬王堆漢墓帛書『戦国縦横家書』二〇章をめぐって



Analysis based on recently excavated texts, he main of which is the Mawangdui Han tomb silk manuscript, shows that the Hezong-Lianheng 合縦連衡 system, which has been regarded as the representative political system of the Warring states period, evolved through the use of Huimeng 會盟 and Fu 符. In other words, Huimeng did not disappear with the onset of the Warring States period, as is generally believed. In fact, there was in this period no central unified government and as the political situation deteriorated into a confrontation between the Qin 秦 and the Liu-guo 六國, Huimeng retained its function via its incorporation into the Hezong-Lianheng system. The presentation of white horses as part of the Huimeng ritual during the Warring States period was carried out, however, in an altered setting. The religious import of these gifts, prevalent during the preceding Spring and Autumn period 春秋時代 receded and was replaced with an emphasis on exchange. Fu as exchange became symbolic of the era. Because Fu were used as documentary evidences, they provide examples of specific and concrete agreements. Agreements forged between countries using these Huimeng were often broken, and each time this happened a new agreement had to be created. Ultimately, except for their retention for use in negotiations with foreign nations, Huimeng became obsolete with the formation of the Qin 秦 and Han 漢 unified empires.


  • 東洋史研究

    東洋史研究 53 (1), 1-23, 1994-06-30



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