病気の顔貌と容貌(5) : バセドウ病(Basedow's disease)について

DOI HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Facial and body appearances of diseases(5) : Basedow's disease
  • ビョウキノガンボウトヨウボウ(5) : バセドウビョウ(Basedow's disease)ニツイテ
  • 病気の顔貌と容貌-5-バセドウ病(Basedow′s disease)について
  • ビョウキ ノ ガンボウ ト ヨウボウ 5 バセドウビョウ Basedow s



Basedow's disease (or Graves' disease) is one of the groups of autoimmune thyroid disease. The hyperthyroidism of this disease resuts from the action of TSH receptor antibody (TSAb) which are antibodies to the thyrotropin receptor on the surface of the thyroid cell. Basedow's disease is often familial and genetic factors are involved in its development. Basedow's disease is a multisystem disease characterized by diffuse goiter, thyrotoxicosis and infiltrative ophthalmopathy. The symptoms of this disease are relatively non-specific, but weight loss combined with an increased appetite is a useful diagnostic combination A fine tremor of the outstretched fingers, warm moistskin, tachycardia with a hyperdynamic circulation and systolic hypertension are the other major signs of hyperthyroidism. We reviewed the history of Basedow's disease and clinical signs and symptoms based upon the our experienced cases with this disease.


  • 健康科学

    健康科学 13 153-163, 1991-02-08


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