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  • Physiological responses to bathing in concentrated seawater
  • コウエンブンノウドカイスイオンヨクジノセイリテキオウトウ



The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether or not bathing in concentrated seawater could affect some physiological parameters. Eight male subjects bathed in concentrated seawater (salt concentration of 7%) and freshwater at a temperature of 39℃ for 10-min, and thereafter rested quietly on land (room temperature 24-25℃) for 30-min. The rectal and tympanic-cavity temperature, heart rate, oxygen uptake, minute ventilation, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and plasma free and sulpho-conjugated catecholamines were measured before bathing, during bathing, and at 30-min after bathing. Body weight was also measured before bathing and after the 30-min recovery period. The rectal temperature increased significantly during both bathing and at 30-min of post-bathing, and the diastolic blood pressure and plasma free catecholamines (adrenaline and noradrenaline) decreased significantly during bathing in both fresh and seawater. The oxygen uptake, minute ventilation, and heart rate showed a transitory increase immediately after bathing; these values, however, reached a resting level during both bathing trials. The plasma sulpho- conjugated catecholamines (adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine) concentration did not change by bathing. The body weight decreased significantly after bathing compared with before bathing. No significant differences were observed in all parameters between bathing in the concentrated seawater and bathing in the freshwater. Therefore, we concluded that the physiological response to bathing in concentrated seawater does not differ from bathing in freshwater, at least in a 10 min immersion at a thermoneutral water temperature.


  • 健康科学

    健康科学 25 21-29, 2003-03-25


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